2007 Westbrook Playground Renovation
In 2007, FOWS spearheaded an urgent campaign to save our playground. The County had deemed some of the existing playground equipment to be unsafe and a renovation through MCPS was a long way off. FOWS donors contributed more than $50k in funds in just a six-week period. What a testament to the dedication to our school and community.
Below is a list of those whose generosity helped to make the renovation happen!
​​Superheroes ($1,000+)
​Green Acres Glen Cove Citizen Association
​Corbin and Pamela Gwaltney
Marsha and Alan Paller
The Rice Family
Westmoreland Children's Center, Inc.
Champions ($500 - $999)
Bradford and Susan Berenson
The Bollman Family
The Cann Family
Valerie Baruch and Terry Fry
The Jaber Family
John and Patricia Kelly
Bob and Mary Lou McGee
The Nakasaka Family
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Nulsen III
The Salfi Family
Randy and Eileen Sherman
The Slabaugh Family
Townsend/Zissis Family
Westmoreland Citizens Association Inc.
The Wileman Family
Explorers ($250 - $499)
The Barbers
David and Karen Baratz
The Berger Family
Scott and Jamie Brown
Charlotte Young and Calvin Cobb III
Kimberly and Brian Deobald
Beverly Denbo
Janet and Mike Gaffney
Gannett Foundation
The Geary Family
Francesca Goodall and Emile Van Der Does
Joshua Seidman and Jocelyn Guyer
The Kris Family
Florencia and Federico Martinez
The Moen Family
The Morrell Family
Amy Nadel and Andrew Smith
The Family of Charlie Oakes
Lorenzo Parkins
The Raisner Family
Ed and Beth Salcedo
The Wade Family
The Webster Family
Tom and Elizabeth Vidano
Teammates ($150 - $249)
Cyrus and Jan Ansary
Laudan Aron-Turnham
Joseph Bailey
Henry and Maurine Beasley
The Bellew Family
Carolyn Vinson and Stephen Bou
Marina and Matthew Bowsher
The Cady Family
The Carpenter Family
The Cohen Family
The Crupi Family
The Crystal Family
Rick, Kate and Genevieve Dreger
Fannie Mae Foundation
The Fensterheim Family
John and Margie Galleher
Linda Goodman
The Grove Family
James and Rebecca Hamilton
Herlihy/Leonardo Family
Laurie Fink and Rob Hotakainen
The Howe Family
Renee and John Kannapell
Diana Keeling Realtors
The Family of Annabelle Kim
Susan and Bo Kim
The Kirkpatrick Family
Henri Barkey and Ellen Laipson
Robert Lang and Bama Athreya
Dylan Leishman
Teammates (Continued)
Frank and Adrienne Marcellino
Lena and Steve Marcellino
Myron Marlin and Ilyse Veron Marlin
The May Family
The Mayio Family
Mikel and Brad Moore
The McCollum Family
Kathleen and William McElroy
Janine Lewis and Kevin McNeely
John and Stephanie Nelson
Christopher and Kristin O'Brien
Antonella Salvatore Pellegrino
Mrs. Patricia Pickard
Craig and Clare Piercy
Beth Sanner and Russell Porter
The Rogers/Swinnerton Family
Tiffany and Grant Rowan
Paul Schindler and Katherine Spurlock
Nicole Cirrito and Bryan Schwenker
Paul Turnham and Lorna Shannon
Sarah Farnsworth and Alexander Shepel
Laurie Sparling and Peter Smith
Paul Stares and Sonni Efron
The Stocker Family
Russell Sturm and Michele McNally
Kelly E. Tanzi
Thomson Financial
Kristin and Paul Wardour
Anne Warner
Linda Kinney and Ilir Zherka
Pals ($75 - $149)
Samantha Bouvier and Matthew Babcock
Katy and Jeff Bauer
Nadine and Luis Botero
The Bryden Family
Brian Burns and Maria Morgan
The Christie Family
The Coe Family
The Dabbous Family
Deborah and Robert Danegger
Thomas Dann
Pam Sutherland and John Doukouris
Eagle Bank
John and Margaret Fogarty
Clair and Mary George
Jodi Grant and Tom Skinner
John Payne and Smitha Gollamudi
Linda Greenhouse
Jeffrey Hacker and Joan Hankin
The Harcourt Family
David Kessel and Rona Schwartz
Christine Luckman
Maren and Joseph Matal
Microsoft Corporation
Connie and Chris Mitchell
Ted and Sarah McCullough
Kristin McNavage
The Raffensberger Family
Bryan and Denise Robinson
Carol and Mike Schaengold
Cathy Schenker and Bill Olsen
The Shillman Family
Solte-Shampaine Family
Margaret and Christopher Terry
J. Sumner and Penelope Townsend Jones
Jane and G. Duane Vieth
Brian and Joanna Young
Supporters (Up to $75)
Crystal and James August
William and Mary Becker
Gerlinde Boright
The Brown Family
Larry Buron and Liz Jones
Alisa and Dean Chestler
Susan and Richard Crow
Richard Kirschner and M. Kay Gartrell
Global Impact
Ellen and Matthew Hoffman
Tracy Lader
Michael Clinchard and Heidi Lawrenz
Susan Hostetler and Lelei Lelaulu
The Lettre Family
Walter and Alisa Levin
Irv and Judy Lieberman
Martin Burns and Wendy Kahn
Walter and Nancy McCabe
The Pekkanen Family
George and Eleanor Pomeroy
The Powell Family
Kent and Juliet Ronhovde
Edward Shapland
David and Lori Siegel
Caryn, Adam, Noah & Zachary Solomon
Sean and Karen Thornton
The Zhang Family